Brows have been a huge focus of the beauty industry over the last couple of years. We're all striving for big, bushy, voluminous brows and there are now thousands of products claiming to give them to you. I've tried out the newest brow offering from 100% Pure, a brand focused on beauty without shitty ingredients. Here are my thoughts. 

The moment I saw this product I knew I had to try it. I've been an avid 100% Pure fan for a while now. It's one of the very few brands I've found that has TRULY GOOD ingredients lists. None of this not-technically-a-sulfate-but-pretty-close BS. True to form, their Green Tea Fiber Brow Builder hits the mark in terms of what's inside. 

I mean, come on. I'd eat it. "May contain iron oxides" is a little WTF but the rest is just gorgeous. Compared to a fiber-based brow product from a traditional beauty brand, 100% Pure have completely nailed it in this respect. 

Like all 100% Pure products, this brow builder is vegan and cruelty-free. I got the shade 'soft brown', though there's only one other which is darker and called 'medium brown'. 

The box is an ombre cream into pink, with black text and silver foiled detailing. I've never been a huge fan of the overall aesthetics of their outer packaging, but it's not hideous. The tube itself is a light metallic mauve grey with the same silver detailing as the box. It's pretty enough. 

My first impression was that it was TINY. It takes up a third of the actualbox, so this is not only a bit deceptive but a total waste of packaging. The tube itself was also wrapped in plastic, which I understand is for safety and longevity, but cmon, it's 2020, do we not have an alternative that won't fuck the environment?

The wand has a tiny little spoolie brush on the end, not dissimilar to what you'd expect from a mascara wand, only much smaller. The formula has a typical beauty product smell - it doesn't smell natural which could be a big drawcard for people who hate that kind of scent. 

Here's what my brow looked like before application. She's a patchy little bitch and always has been. Whatever.

And here's what it looked like after:

To apply, I pulled out the wand and gently brushed upwards starting from the inner side of my brow and moving out. Some product did apply too heavily in certain areas, but I was easily able to spread it out without having to pick up my brow brush. 

The end result did give me fuller, thicker, less patchy brows and I'm actually really happy with how this turned out given it's my first time using any kind of fibre-based brow product.

Up until now I have been using a brow powder with a brush but I don't find it particularly natural-looking or practical for on-the-go application. I much prefer the look of this. How about longevity?

9am: Product applied, nothing else on brows or face

12pm: Still kickin'

3pm: Loss of volume on the inner side of brows

9pm: No change from earlier

I was unsure if $35 per tiny tube is great value. The chemical-laden L'Oreal version is the same size for $15 less. Is that justified? I'm ameliorated by the fact it did last and look good all day, and isn't something I'll be using daily but perhaps once a week at most. I will update this post when I reach the end of the tube and we'll see how long it lasted. 

As always, here are my ratings. 

xoxo EM

I've tried hundreds of natural and eco-friendly beauty, haircare and body care products over the last half decade. Some have been fab, some have fallen flat, and almost all are lacking in one area important to me. I've developed a tool for assessing, rating and comparing them which I'm sharing with you today!

The way it works is simple - each category has a max point value, and you need to rate each product in each category out of that max number. Keep in mind these values have been assigned based on how important each area is to me. By all means adjust these to reflect what matters more to you. The categories and weighting are completely customisable, just work it out before you start using it to ensure a fair comparison. 

The categories

I assess all products based on these 5 categories:

  • Packaging (out of 5): this refers to how eco-friendly the packaging is. Cardboard is great, plastic is terrible, and so on. 
  • Ingredients (out of 5): I'm a hardass when it comes to ingredients so this one is particularly important to me, and refers to how many questionable things appear on that precious list.
  • Effectiveness (out of 5): Does it actually work?
  • Value for money (out of 3): Am I happy to pay RRP for it? 
  • Aesthetics (out of 2): Overall feel of packaging and product design - does it look good? Smell good? You get the idea. 

This gives each product a rating out of 20. How does it look in action? 

As you can see, you can use it to evaluate individual products as well as compare them with each other. In the second screenshot, mascara 1 would be my top pic for repurchase, followed by 3 and 4. 

I use this scale for everything I review on the blog, and will be compiling a master list on the resources page so you can see my thoughts on everything I've ever tried at a glance!

That's all for now. 

xoxo EM

Living the life laid out for you by the status quo is like looking for the key under the lamppost because the light is better, even though you know it has been lost in the shadows. It is swimming only in the shallows, because staying afloat is easy; easier than a leap of faith into unknown depths when you have no idea whether you can swim.

Who can blame you? The steps are easy to follow. Go to school, get a degree, choose a career and contribute to society. Settle down, buy a house, build your winter wardrobe, whiten your teeth. Work out three times a week. Follow the plan instead of your dreams. Tick enough boxes and you might be happy.

But are you?

Here’s the truth. The only imperative of your existence is death. The only thing you have to do is one day take a final breath. What of the rest?

The rest is all your choice. You don’t have to work at all, least of all in a job that doesn’t fulfil you. You don’t have to live only on the weekends, dress to impress or go into debt. You do not have to stay with someone who is not your paramour, or stay in the city in which you were born. You don’t have to get rich or make it big or have a kid. You don’t have to be polite and you don’t have to live a lie.
The only thing you have to do is die.

If you’re not happy, what the fuck are you doing? If your life does not truly fill you with joy, torch it.
Burn it to the ground and start again. All you have are choices right up until your end.